
Main rig for HF bands 


Sub rig for HF bands, mainly use for 6m


Old rig, I was active during 90s with it


JRC made 1kW SS linear amp


Yaesu made 1kW SS Linear amp

599 Twins

Old fashioned Kenwood branded TRIO made T-599D and R-599

One of the rig that I was longin for as a junior high school student

South Tower

17m high, 3 ele Tribander for 30/17/12m bands

North Tower

22m high, 11 ele Tribander for 20/15/10m bands

West Tower

20m high, 9 ele Yagi for 6m band

East Tower

40m high, 2 ele Yagi for 40m band

5th Tower

8m high, Cross Yagi for 2m and 70cm bands, for satellite communication

don't use it now



I'm enjoying ham radio during winter.

In summer, I enjoy fishing at river.

I love AYU fishing very much.

I can see AYU during winter in the shack.