Welcome, and Nice to see you!


LOC: PM64uu

JGC: #31020 (Kaga-gun, Okayama-pref)

Zone: 25 

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  • 160m through 6m Bands
  • mainly CW , FT8
  • sometimes RTTY, SSB and PSK
  • chasing DXCC


  • CQ WW contest CW
  • CQ WW contest SSB


  • JT65B and Q65




Name: Hidef NAMVA

Born: 1958

Nationality: Japanese

Gender: Male

Ham radio:  since 1973

License: 1st class amateur radio tech

JARL life Member


I was first licensed in 1973 when I was 15 years old. I had been QRT for a long while due to school and job in a large city.

I became active in the late 80's after came back to my home town. I enjoyed a ham life very much for DXing and contesting on HF.

Unfortunately, I had dameged that lightning strike and destroyed alot of my equipments on August of 2004. After this happening, I'd been QRT again.

In November of 2011 I 'd backed on the air again when I retired the computer bussiness.

I'm working all bands 2m thruough 160m. You will find me mostly working CW, JT65/FT8 and RTTY or DX contest.

I'm new to EME. I've begun EME since Feb. 1st 2018. 


73's Hope to see you on the bands


This is my resident shack which is 50 meters away from my house. In 1991, I build this shack 100% by my self to enjoy ham radio completely.

I borrow a wide land to build an antenna. There are two antenna towers and one big antenna called four squire for 80m band.


I'm using IC-9700 and SSPA 500W into 2x 12ele 7.3m boom YU7EF model Yagi with  vertical plane.

I'm using IC-9700 for the 70cm EME, running 50 watts. The antenna is home made YU7EF desinged 24 ele Yagi V-pol 2 stack.

External Links

Japanese expressed home page

Personal home page

QRZ.com's page